The March bite has been off the charts! Every day has brought something new to not only my clients, but to me personally. I have been fortunate to be able to claim some new personal bests on my boat.
My first new boat record was set this month by 4 great guys from the midwest. Our day began innocently enough with some average fishing, but soon turned into a melee of catching. By the end of that 4 hour trip, we had boated 130 sheepshead over 15 inches with a record best 23 incher!
My second boat record was also set by 3 guys from the midwest. This particular day, we went to my first spot and never had to leave. By the end of the trip, these guys had caught a mess of specs and silver trout… We stopped counting at 120!
Another boat record was set by client Bill Mach just a few days ago, when he tied into a huge black drum. I wasn’t able to weigh the fish because it was too big! but would guess that it came in at roughly 50 lbs.
My fourth and final boat record occured yesterday, when I brought out 3 generations of the Oswald family. We put a hurtin’ on some very nice Pompano. Final count boated was 28!
These trips were definitely not the norm but do show the extent of some of the tremendous fishing we’ve had this month.
In other news, big Snook have been making themselves known the last few weeks. I have been finding some big bruisers in the 30-40 inch range, however haven’t actually been able to get one to the boat just yet.
This is also the first week that I’ve seen a few Tarpon around. So far it’s just been one or two, but I expect that we will be seeing bigger numbers within the next week or so.